Assignment of Logical and Physical Rights

Published by Joe D on

The processes around the assignment and establishment of rights is generally a four step process.  Additionally, parallels can be drawn between the assignment and management of logical and physical rights and entitlements.  The following process map demonstrates the steps involved in the assignment and management of these rights:

Take note of the separation of duties in the process map.  Additionally, once the rights and entitlements have been established, activity is logged and audited on a regular basis, typically by another party.

With this in mind, please remember the following guidelines:

  1. Never share your credentials or entitlements with another individual. This includes allowing an individual to follow you into a physically secure area without appropriate access rights.
  2. Be mindful of rights and entitlements that you currently possess.
  3. Do not retain rights and entitlements that you no longer require.
  4. Always be on the lookout for inappropriate access or abuse.


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